About the Elective


All dates below are available. After you’ve purchased the programme you will be sent an email to confirm the date you are interested and whether you are interested in the hospital placement option.

28th March - 22nd April  2023

This surgical elective is a programme for medical students interested in surgery.

Medics.Academy is committed to subsidising educational programmes for students across the world. We deliver subsidised healthcare education to students in the UK and globally in countries including Ethiopia, India, Malaysia and the Netherlands and our goal is to continue to support healthcare education infrastructure and development as much as possible.

The programme lasts 4 weeks and can be undertaken by medical students or foundation doctors who are studying or working as it is delivered flexibly.

The programme consists of 4 weeks of surgical learning, four in-person sessions where you will learn and be able to practice a new surgical skill each week, as well as online learning. You will learn about surgical applications from surgical trainees and will also be supported to choose and complete a short-project on a surgical topic. 


Week One - Orthopaedics  

Week Two - Plastic Surgery

Week Three - Vascular Surgery

Week Four - Urology

There may be options for attached surgical placements in Sri Lankan hospitals (near the beach) if there is enough interest as placements will come at an additional cost which we would like to keep as low as possible for students and foundation doctors.

About the Organisation

Medics Academy

We empower health professionals across the globe through innovative education and continued professional development.We are driving a digital transformation of professional healthcare training and development and aim to make it accessible to those across the globe and most in need. We believe this platform can improve care and save lives.Our team of doctors, engineers, artists and film-makers are creating an engaging platform to deliver the highest quality education available in the industry.