About the Course

Every year, StreetDoctors delivers life-saving first aid training to educate and empower young people at high risk of involvement in violence. In this course - specifically designed by StreetDoctors for their medical student trainers - you will also learn these valuable skills. Their experienced and dynamic presenters introduce you to the management of a severely injured person, covering topics from anatomy and physiology through to major bleeding, the unconscious patient, and CPR. The course is engaging, inspirational and thorough and recommended for anyone interested in making a difference, regardless of age or experience.

Personal Data Transfer Requirements

Please note that this course has been constructed with StreetDoctors. If you are undertaking this course as part of the StreetDoctors volunteer training programme and have signed up with a coupon code, your personal data will be transferred to StreetDoctors. This will include the following information:

  • Name
  • Sign-up details
  • Course progression
  • Course completion

You are required to agree to these terms in order to progress with the course. If you have purchased this course outside of the StreetDoctors volunteer programme, all profits from this course will go to StreetDoctors, and your data will not be transferred to StreetDoctors.

About the Organisation

StreetDoctors Charity

StreetDoctors empowers young people affected by violence by equipping them with the skills to save lives and the knowledge to make informed decisions about keeping themselves and others safe. We do this by providing training in emergency first-aid through a network of young healthcare volunteers in partnership with local communities. Visit our website to find out more about StreetDoctors, our programmes and volunteers at www.streetdoctors.org.

Course Curriculum

  • 1

    1. Introduction

    • Introduction

    • GDPR Transfer of data to Street Doctors

  • 2

    2. Importance of Blood

    • What is blood?

    • Components of blood

    • Red blood cells

    • White blood cells

    • Platelets

    • Blood loss

  • 3

    3. The Bleeding Patient

    • Airway

    • Breathing

    • Circulation

    • Disability

    • Exposure

    • Summary

  • 4

    4. Where is the Bleeding?

    • Locating a source

    • Identifying a source

    • Abdomen

    • Pelvis

    • Chest

    • Long bones

  • 5

    5. Physiological Response to Bleeding

    • Cardiovascular

    • Renal

    • Compensation

  • 6

    6. Hypovolaemic Shock

    • Management

    • Oxygenation

    • Pre-hospital

    • REBOA

    • Preventing further loss

    • Fluid resuscitation

    • Monitoring

    • Fluid choice

    • Giving blood

    • Surgery

  • 7

    7. Repercussions of Bleeding

    • Long-term

    • Stomas

    • Paralysis 1

    • Paralysis 2

    • Catheterisation

    • Epilepsy

    • Scarring

  • 8

    8. A-ALERT

    • Introduction

    • Calling an ambulance

    • Inside an ambulance

    • Pressure

    • Cardiac physiology

    • Flow

    • Clot formation

    • Correct pressure

    • Tourniquets

    • Laying someone down

    • Elevating legs

    • Reassuring someone

    • Reassurance 1

    • Reassurance 2

    • Temperature

    • The lethal triad

    • Hypothermia

    • Keeping warm

    • Summary

  • 9

    9. Unconsciousness

    • Unconsiousness

    • Definition

    • Causes

    • Cardiac causes

    • Shock

    • Substance misuse

    • Respiratory arrest

    • AVPU and GCS

    • GCS

    • AVPU

    • Street doctors sessions

    • Recovery position

    • When not to use the recovery position

    • How to put people in the recovery position

    • After using the recovery position

    • Unconscious and NOT breathing

    • Chest compressions

    • Incorrect chest compressions

    • How to conduct chest compressions

  • 10

    10. CPR

    • Adult CPR

    • When to stop CPR

    • Minimise interruptions

    • Rescue breaths

    • Paediatric CPR

  • 11

    11. Conclusion

    • Final thoughts