About the Course

Negotiation is inevitable during life. Effective negotiation can help lead to more favourable outcomes, build trust and foster relationships, making it an important skill to possess.  

This course is designed for healthcare professionals at all stages of their career to introduce the key principles of negotiation, the attributes of a good negotiator and how to lead a successful negotiation.

About the Authors

Dr. Sunny Ali

Dr. Ali is a recently qualified doctor, graduating from Kings’ College London. He created the negotiation skills course through his work as a scholar for The Healthcare Leadership Academy (HLA). 

Dr George Miller

Dr George Miller is an Imperial Public Health Registrar and Emergency Medicine Doctor. As Director-General, Dr Miller takes responsibility for the HLA Scholars’ programme, as well as chairing the HLA Research Collaborative. Dr Miller is also an Honorary University Lecturer, a Fellow of the Institute of Leadership and Management, lead for the Intermediate Leadership Programme and a Senior Project Manager at Medics.Academy. Dr Miller was one of the top scoring applicants for the AFP, CST and Public Health Training across the country, and has since presented national courses on ‘Success in Medical School’, ‘Preparing for the AFP’ and ‘Preparing for the PSA’. Dr Miller is currently conducting policy research at the Department of Social Policy and Intervention, University of Oxford.

Anita Bolina

Anita is a penultimate year medical student at Imperial College London, and currently works as a research fellow at Medics.Academy. 

Danielle Hart

Danielle is a final year medical student at the University of Southampton. Alongside her studies, Danielle works as a research fellow at Medics.Academy. 

Dr Johann Malawana

Founder and Director of The Healthcare Leadership Academy and Medics.Academy

Dr Johann has worked across government, professional, commercial, public sector and international organisations and developed an international reputation as a thought leader in Healthcare Education and Training, Commercialisation and Leadership. Having been trained as a medical doctor and obstetrician, he worked in the NHS for over a decade. Having undertaken several leadership roles across medicine, responsible for large teams, coordinating negotiations on behalf of the medical profession twice with the government and the NHS. Dr Malawana has been appointed previously by the privy council and the Secretary of State for Health to the Boards of the General Medical Council and Postgraduate Medical Education and Training Board sitting on committees ranging from finance, pensions, ethics and policy work. Dr Malawana has been recognised in all his previous roles for the exceptional contributions he has made and for having a huge impact on the environments he has worked within. Dr Malawana was appointed as the Healthcare UK, Department of International Trade Specialist Advisor on Education and Training for the UK Healthcare system where he developed strategic policies and partnerships for the public and private sector.

About the Organisation

The Healthcare Leadership Academy

The Healthcare Leadership Academy formed in response to the demand from young clinicians and medical students to learn about leadership. Founded by Dr Johann Malawana and a team of like-minded professionals the Healthcare Leadership Academy launched on the 20th of December 2016. HLA houses an exciting faculty from across the health sector and beyond. Their shared aim is to inspire the next generation of healthcare professionals and develop their understanding of leadership. Too often in healthcare, leadership is confused with management. Through a combination of mentoring, socratic discussion and rigorous training in practical leadership skills, The HLA aims to inspire our scholars to change the world of healthcare, one small step at a time.

Course Curriculum

  • 1


    • Viewing negotiations as win-win

  • 2

    Positional Bargaining vs Principled Negotiation

    • Negotiating approach

    • Positional bargaining

    • What do we mean by position?

    • Objective criteria

    • Negotiation space

  • 3

    Negotiating Psychology

    • Introduction

    • Fairness and framing

    • Prospect theory and empathy

  • 4

    Negotiation Tactics

    • ZOPA

    • Use of the ‘door In the face’ technique and deadlines

    • Other techniques

    • BATNA and other considerations

    • BATNA vs bottom line

    • Using your BATNA to develop your ZOPA

  • 5


    • Negotiating teams and their attributes

    • Trust

  • 6

    Negotiating Styles

    • Different negotiating styles

  • 7


    • Team roles

  • 8

    Planning for Negotiations

    • Preparation

    • 3D Negotiation

  • 9

    Executing Negotiations

    • Negotiation one sheet

    • Executing the negotiation effectively

  • 10

    Test Yourself

    • Quiz