About the Conference

Is the UK undermining its investments through overseas aid by actively recruiting healthworkers from overseas?

In his talk at the THET Conference 2018, Professor Ged Byrne speaks of the NHS’ role as a global educator. With 70 years of experience, the NHS has managed to adapt agilely to the changing context and needs of the service and as such is a remarkable and relatively cheap institution in comparison to its western counterparts. Despite its world-renowned and staggering reputation, the NHS is facing one of the most difficult periods in its history, and yet many healthcare systems continue to attempt to emulate the NHS at its most basic level, approaching us for technical support and assistance in doing so.

About the Author

Ged Byrne

Director of Global Education - Health Education England

Ged is a surgical oncologist who continues to practice on a part time basis. Having graduated in Manchester in 1989, he trained in Manchester, Scotland, India and the West Midlands returning to Manchester as a clinical lecturer in 1997.Having been appointed a senior lecturer and consultant surgeon in 2000, he became Clinical Dean in South Manchester in 2004. He founded the Universities’ Medical Assessment Partnership in 2003 and became the founder director of the Medical Schools’ Council Assessment Alliance. Ged also led the establishment of the UHSM Academy in 2009. In 2010 he became Professor of Medical Education at the UoM and was awarded a National Teaching Fellowship by the Higher Education Academy. In 2012 he became Associate Dean for Communications at the Faculty of Medical and Human Sciences at the University of Manchester and an honorary Professor of Health Sciences at The University of Salford.He took up his current role as Director of Education and Quality for Health Education North West in December 2013 and has recently been appointed as Director of Education and Quality for HEE (North). He has a long-standing interest in global healthcare capacity building and education, leading the development of the GuluMan healthcare link, and he is the founder director of the Uganda-UK Healthcare Alliance. He passionately believes that education must be globalised for all NHS staff if they are to offer a fit-for-purpose role in the future of healthcare in the UK.

About the Organisation

Organisation: THET

The Tropical Health Education Trust

Today, one billion people will never see a qualified health worker in their lives.THET works to create a world where everyone, everywhere, has access to quality healthcare. We achieve this by training and educating health workers in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) in partnership with volunteers from across the UK health community. Founded in 1988 by Professor Sir Eldryd Parry, we are the only UK Charity with this focus.We are best-known for our Health Partnership approach. Health Partnerships are a model for improving health services based on the idea of linking hospitals and clinics in the UK with their counterparts overseas.Over the past nine years THET has partnered with over 130 NHS Trusts, Royal Colleges and academic institutions. We work closely with the British government, and are an organisation in Official Relations with the World Health Organization (WHO).In the past 30 years, THET has evolved from a small family-run NGO to a larger entity, with six offices across Africa and Asia, and a range of projects spanning from community health to biomedical engineering.THET is still driven by our founder’s original vision and principles: that our work should be responsive to national and local needs acknowledging that if there is mutual trust and a willingness on both sides to learn from each other, then good work will happen. This is the philosophy that THET is built on and one that we will continue to follow as we move forward.


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    #THETConf 2018 - Ged Byrne

    • Introduction

    • The NHS currently

    • The NHS as an educator

    • Workforce recruitment- the ethical dilemma

    • Global learning programme

    • Global Health Exchange

    • Conclusion