About the Course

This course was designed by the Centre for Sustainable Healthcare, a registered charity working since 2008 to help the health sector reduce its carbon footprint Over the last decade, CSH has explored methodologies and metrics to transform models of care, and worked with partners inside and outside healthcare systems to engage professionals, patients and the wider community in understanding the connections between health and environment, and to reduce healthcare’s resource footprint. 

For more information see: https://sustainablehealthcare.org.uk/what-we-do

About the Facilitators

Dr Rosie Spooner

Dr Rosie Spooner is 2020-2021 Education Fellow at The Centre for Sustainable Healthcare (CSH), where she teaches as part of the innovative Sustainable Quality Improvement education project, combining research with practical action to improve patient care at a lower environmental and social cost. She come from a background of environmental activism and has a particular interest in engaging health professionals in sustainable leadership. She was a previous Health Leadership Academy Scholar and is a member of the Institute of Health Leadership and Management. She combines her education work with LTFT Paediatric training in the Severn Deanery.

Stefi Barna

Education Director at Centre for Sustainable Healthcare

Stefi co-founded the Sustainable Healthcare Education network to integrate sustainability and health into medical, nursing and allied health professional education. She teaches global health at Queen Mary University of London, development studies at Azim Premji University, Bangalore, and violence prevention at the Medical Peace Work Partnership, University of Bergen, Norway. Previously she led public health teaching at Norwich Medical School. She has degrees in medical history (UC Berkeley) and international public health (UCLA).

Course Curriculum

  • 1

    Introduction to Sustainable Healthcare

    • Introduction to sustainable healthcare

    • Planetary health

    • The climate emergency

    • The healthcare sector is part of the problem

    • The health sector is vulnerable

    • The health sector can lead

    • The NHS carbon footprint and the Sustainable Development Unit

    • Sustainable Development Management Plans (now Green Plans)

    • NHS Long Term Plan, Greener NHS, Net Zero NHS

    • Green hospitals

    • CSH principles of sustainable healthcare

    • Triple bottom line

    • Sustainable quality improvement

    • Social sustainability

    • Green space and health

    • Education for sustainable healthcare

    • Nursing and Midwifery

    • Case study: eye care

    • Case study: kidney care

    • Case study: mental health

    • Case study: ambulance care

    • Case study: general practice

    • Taking action outside the workplace

    • Course summary

    • Evaluation form