About the F|Docs Scholars Programme

The Scholars Programme is delivered on a yearly basis.

Programme start dates:

  • August 2023 (Apply from April 2023)
  • August 2024 (Apply from April 2024)

The Scholars Programme is for individuals from their final year as medical students through to entry into specialty training. The programme is focussed on supporting doctors who wish to equip themselves with the knowledge, skills, tools and experiences that they need to achieve their goals. The programme is designed to help the individual with bespoke opportunities to succeed in their specific career ambitions. We have designed the programme to support individuals with the type of bespoke personal and career coaching that is rarely seen in a systematic way across the Healthcare. Medics.Academy has also built in programmes and certificates with our partners to ensure that we optimise your application to the specialty training programme of your choice. The Scholar's programme can be started from final year to post-F2, F3 and beyond!

As a scholar you will be able to pick and choose from any or all of our training options to suit your personal career trajectory. You will have access to exam specific preparation (NOT clinical exam courses at this stage), help with your e-portfolio, mentoring, career coaching, specialty application insights and support with tackling key transition points including entering the working work and stepping up into your chosen career path. 

You will also be able to undertake postgraduate modules towards a PG Certificate in Clinical Practice, Management and Education including modules in Healthcare Leadership, Applied Clinical Education, Medical Innovation and Technology and Technology Enhanced Learning. We have University Accreditations with UK Medical Schools and Professional Organisations delivering the highest quality programmes in UK Healthcare. 

Have a look at some of what you could experience:

How do I apply?

Once you register on this page, you will get more information about the programme, you will then fill out your details and be able to apply for the programme. There is a standardised application system that is checked by the Scholar's faculty. Should you then be successful, you will be contacted by email. 

The Scholars Programme is delivered on a yearly basis.

The Host Organisation

Medics Academy

We empower health professionals across the globe through innovative education and continued professional development.We are driving a digital transformation of professional healthcare training and development and aim to make it accessible to those across the globe and most in need. We believe this platform can improve care and save lives.Our team of doctors, engineers, artists and film-makers are creating an engaging platform to deliver the highest quality education available in the industry.

About the Scholar's Programme Faculty

Professor Derek Gallen

Head of F|Docs Programme

Over the last decade of my career I introduced and looked after the foundation programme in the UK. We managed to get it embedded in UK medicine and the NHS. However there is still a lot of work left to be done. I realised when I retired that we needed to be more innovative with technology in Medical and Healthcare education and try greater consistency and improve the experience of the Foundation Programme. When the Medics.Academy team invited me to lead the development of the  F|Docs programme, I saw this as an opportunity to work with this innovative, young team to bring apply technology and entrepreneurial ideas to the NHS. The team have worked hard over the last 2 years since we came up with the first concepts. They have developed a programme that genuinely tries to support Foundation Schools and Doctors, applying consistency of teaching and supporting individuals to achieve their goals as early stage professionals. The impact of COVID19 did not dent this team, it spurred them on to rethink completely what they were doing and rapidly changed their programme to into something that responded to the needs of students and junior doctors alike. The speed and diligence with which they worked, made me proud to see that the NHS, it’s staff and society generally are in good hands. The programme that Hiba and the F|Docs team are rolling out is something that 3 years ago I wouldn’t have thought possible, but these young professionals are innovating at a pace, and focussing on their colleagues who are students and junior doctors in a way that really is impressive. The feedback and engagement we are seeing is incredible and I am incredibly proud to have led the birth of this initiative and continue to nurture it to have a significant impact on the clinicians concerned and the wider NHS that will benefit. 

Dr Johann Malawana

Founder and Director of The Healthcare Leadership Academy and Medics.Academy

Dr Johann has worked across government, professional, commercial, public sector and international organisations and developed an international reputation as a thought leader in Healthcare Education and Training, Commercialisation and Leadership. Having been trained as a medical doctor and obstetrician, he worked in the NHS for over a decade. Having undertaken several leadership roles across medicine, responsible for large teams, coordinating negotiations on behalf of the medical profession twice with the government and the NHS. Dr Malawana has been appointed previously by the privy council and the Secretary of State for Health to the Boards of the General Medical Council and Postgraduate Medical Education and Training Board sitting on committees ranging from finance, pensions, ethics and policy work. Dr Malawana has been recognised in all his previous roles for the exceptional contributions he has made and for having a huge impact on the environments he has worked within. Dr Malawana was appointed as the Healthcare UK, Department of International Trade Specialist Advisor on Education and Training for the UK Healthcare system where he developed strategic policies and partnerships for the public and private sector.

Dr Hiba Khan

Chief Revenue Officer at Medics.Academy

Dr Hiba Khan, Clinical Entrepreneur and Chief Revenue Officer at Medics.Academy. Dr Khan has a background in entrepreneurship, innovation and solutions in healthcare and was recently awarded an Innovation Fellowship at Mid and South Essex NHS Trust to continue this work. Dr Khan runs the development function at Medics.Academy and oversees a global team of executives. Dr Khan also has experience in governance as Vice-Chair of the Board at Queen Mary University Students’ Union and Chair of their Audit and Risk Committee as well as being Governor on the Board of the University of West London Workforce Committee and on the Board of Melanin Medics. Dr Khan has won several awards for research and performance in her clinical roles, a national award in quality improvement, two consecutive “Outstanding Trainee” awards and a gold medal in regional weightlifting.